The parliament of India have passed the energy conservation bill in both houses ( Lokha Sabha and Rajya Sabha), amending the energy conservation act 2001 to promote energy efficiency and conservation and to specify a carbon credit trading scheme.
Although there still are a few questions that must be answered, like the appropriate ministry to regulate the carbon credit trading scheme and the details or specifications on interchanging the certificates that can be both renewable energy certificates and carbon credits. The energy conservation bill 2022 empowers the central government to specify specific schemes and act accordingly.
The United Nations Biodiversity Conference was held in Montreal, Canada, to assemble governments worldwide and agree to a new set of goals for nature over the next decade.
The conference, from the 7th to the 19th of December 2022, looked at implementing the protocols of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) to deal with the fair and equitable sharing of benefits from the use of nature and the safe transport, handling and labelling of Living Modified Organisms.
The conference discussed protecting the Earth, pesticides, preventing extinctions, government subsidies, plastic pollution, invasive species, and nature restoration. The countries committed to preserving nearly a third of Earth for nature by 2030 while respecting indigenous and traditional territories in the expansion of new protected areas. Indigenous-led conservation models must become the norm to take actual actions on biodiversity as they represent only 5% of humanity but protect 80% of Earth’s biodiversity.
At the same time, an agreement is struck to develop a funding mechanism for Digital Sequence Information (DSI) in the coming years to track back the original country of digitized genetic information that we get from nature (rainforests, peatlands, coral reefs, and other rich ecosystems).
Also, target 15 of the agreement requires governments to ensure that large and transnational companies disclose “their risks, dependencies and impacts on biodiversity, which will change business practices for good.
Biodiversity loss is rapidly shooting up the agenda of corporate risks. Whether we name it to halt and reverse or an enhanced implementation mechanism, can the discussions be called a transformational agreement for nature, yet?
What does it mean?
330+ global companies worth nearly US $11 trillion in market capitalization have been highlighted for their environmental transparency and action on climate change, forests, and water security by CDP, of which:
There is a 34% increase, with 280+ companies scoring an A in 2022 for their climate change compared to 2021; progress still needs to be made faster on deforestation and water security. There is a 4% increase in forest A-listers and a 12.7% decrease from 118 to 103 in 2022 in the number of water security A-listers.
CDP measures the comprehensiveness of disclosures, awareness and management of environmental risks and best practices associated with environmental leadership, such as setting ambitious and meaningful targets by scoring companies A to D-.
To receive an A or B score, companies must demonstrate awareness of their impacts on the environment, deforestation, and water security.
CDP’s scoring methodology is fully aligned with the Taskforce for Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) and with major environmental standards, assessing the level of detail and comprehension in response and providing a comparable dataset across the market.
Questionnaires are scored in categories for each sector across the three themes. Each scoring category at management and leadership levels is weighted according to its relative importance to the overall score based solely on the information disclosed in the CDP response, and it doesn’t consider any other sources.
CDP disclosure and scores play a crucial role in keeping companies on a journey of continuous environmental improvement and are also one of the best ways to show the progress or the alignment with the 1.5-degree. Companies must start sincerely disclosing their practices beyond regulatory pressure.
Ireland's Minister for the Environment, Climate and Communications issued Maritime Area Consents (MACs) to the first phase of seven offshore wind projects. According to the government, the award of MACs ensures that only projects with the most significant viability to deliver Ireland's ambitious energy targets progress into the planning system.
The award follows a comprehensive assessment by the Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications of each project’s financial and technical competency.
Ireland plans to bring in multiple government departments and State agencies to reduce emissions from the electricity sector targeting 7GW of offshore wind by the end of the decade and develop a longer-term plan to harness the potential 30GW of offshore floating wind power in Atlantic waters.
One of the consent projects includes the Dublin offshore wind farm comprising up to 61 turbines off the coast of South Dublin and Wicklow, with a capacity to generate between 600 and 900 megawatts of renewable energy once it is connected to the national grid, is considered as a sustainable source of clean, green renewable electricity for the Irish market.
As the following steps, Dublin array, along with the other phase one projects, can move into the final planning stages of the project in 2023 and submit a planning application to An Bord Pleanala, Ireland’s National Independent planning body, where the project proposals will undergo environmental assessment and finalise the design.
The Renewable Electricity Support Scheme (RESS) projects are expected to procure approximately 2.5GW of electricity generating capacity, producing enough energy to supply up to about 840,000 homes at peak production.
Offshore wind energy is at the heart of a plan that will cut CO2 emissions in the electricity sector by two-thirds and increase the renewable energy share of electricity demand to 70 per cent by 2030 from its current 35 per cent particularly in Mexico.
According to the Swiss Federal Council's new proposal, Green financial products and funds in Swiss financial markets must align with specific sustainability goals and disclose the steps to achieve the goals. Much of the proposal is to prevent greenwashing and identify the sustainability characteristics affecting financial products or services.
Most companies worldwide are concerned about greenwashing, where clients, investors and insured persons are misled about the sustainability or contribution to sustainability of financial products without clarity about legal and reputational risks in sustainable investments.
Sustainable investments must pursue at least one of the following objectives or a combination of both - Alignment with one or more specific sustainability goals and contributions to achieving one or more specific sustainability goals.
Switzerland has no legislative or regulatory requirements on transparency or compliance with specific sustainability criteria for financial services. However, the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority (FINMA) recommends sustainability reporting as the best practice.
To avoid misleading, The Asset Management Association Switzerland (AMAS), the Swiss Bankers Association (SBA) and Swiss Sustainable Finance (SSF) are taking essential steps in the form of recommendations, and voluntary self-regulation and request that the information should be public, easily accessible, transparent, and comparable, and service providers must describe the alignment with the sustainable investment process.
Under the impact investment approach, the provider must also disclose the management process used to achieve the desired impact, the selection process for its target investments, coordination with other investors, the strategy for influencing the target company, escalation procedures and techniques for assessing the effectiveness of engagement.
Any financial product or service described as green should be able to assess the extent to which it pursues an environmental objective; there should also be regular, efficient, and appropriate reporting on the defined sustainability goals. Companies can also get their principles verified by an independent third party to ensure the credibility of the sustainability goals.